Resource management recipe

The initial parts of the Kaldi Resource Management recipe have been run on the server.  See /projects/speech/sys/kaldi-trunk/egs/rm/s5.  Makefile has targets for building the demo, and some additional ones for examining things.  For instance this shows the representation of the lexicon as an fst:

make show_fst_lex
/projects/speech/sys/kaldi-trunk/tools/openfst/bin/fstprint --isymbols=data/lang/phones.txt --osymbols=data/lang/words.txt data/lang/L.fst | head -50
1    157    ax_B    AROUND
1    160    ax_B    ARRIVAL
1    164    ax_B    ARRIVE
1    167    ax_B    ARRIVED
1    171    ax_B    ARRIVING
1    176    eh_B    ARROW
1    178    ax_B    AS
1    179    ax_B    ASTORIA
1    185    ey_B    ASUW
1    194    ey_B    ASW