How to create a post

Posting instructions for students
(1) Once you have access to the blog, you should see a black ribbon at the top with the option “+ New” 

(2) Click on “+New” and choose the “Post” Option 

(3) Name your post in in the following format: <YOUR NAMING CONVENTION HERE> 

(4) Once you have finished writing your post, choose your category from the list. You must select a category/categories for your post to appear within the menu.

(5) If you would like to use an image, scroll all the way down and chose a featured image for your post. Please cite the source of the photo at the end of your blog post. 

(a) If you are using Google Images to find a photo, select the “Tools” drop down below the search bar, click on “Size”, and choose the “Large” option (this will make sure that the image can be viewed zoomed in). Save the image
(b)  In the tab where you are editing your blog post, scroll all the way down and click “Set Featured Image”, and click on the “Upload Files” tab
(c) Click on “Select Files” and choose the photo you had saved> 

(6) Once you have finished titling, writing, <categorizing, and choosing an image for your post> you can either choose to “Save as Draft” if you would like to revisit the post, or publish, if you would like it to be uploaded. 

(a) You can edit your saved draft and published drafts by hovering your mouse over the “BLOG TITLE HERE” ribbon option and choosing the “Dashboard” option.
(b) Once in your dashboard, click on “Posts”, which should be in the menu on the left
(c) You should see published and unpublished posts in “All Posts” and should have an option to edit these posts.