$upport Available to Attend Virtual Annual Conference


What is ESP – we will give you $50 to find out!

Submitted by: Beth Claypoole, CCE Wayne County, NYS and National ESP Past President

One of the best ways to take advantage of national learning opportunities and get to know your extension colleagues is to join one of the national extension associations – and I am recommending Epsilon Sigma Phi.  ESP is a national organization that fosters leadership and professional development across all extension technical areas of expertise – all members of extension have a place in ESP.  I once said that ESP teaches you how to be a better educator, no matter what area of technical expertise.  This is especially important for extension staff who may not have a readily prominent professional organization to which to belong – like Executive Directors!

This year, our local NYS ESP Chapter, Lambda, was going to host the National ESP 2020 Conference, in Rochester, NY, expecting more than 200 people to visit our state and participate in Professional Development activities.  Instead, we are in the process of planning our on line conference, complete with 5 concurrent sessions, 2 speakers, and our traditional Ruby Award presentation.  The Ruby Award is the highest level of achievement reached by an ESP member and the awardee gives a heartfelt motivational speech during the Ruby Awards luncheon.

Our 3 speakers this year are worth the registration price, just to hear their presentations:  Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy, past Director of NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture) – the part of the USDA to which Extension reports; Ruby Award winner Iowa State University President Wendy Wintersteen; and Jonathan Ntheketha, Associate Director Student Success and Engagement, Multicultural Center for Academic Success, Diversity and Inclusion – RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology).  Each of these speakers will have us thinking and taking action to better our extension experiences for ourselves and our participants.

In addition to these 3 outstanding speakers, we also have additional seminar presentations, research presentations, Ignite speakers and poster presentations from more than 40 of your colleagues from across the nation, including several from CCE.

The ESP association and conference websites can be found by going to “espnational.org” and clicking on the virtual conference link. Your local Lambda chapter Board of Directors welcomes you to register for this on line event for just $100.  And to help you with your registration, the board approved at its August meeting to reimburse all current ESP members $50 of the registration fee.  In addition, up to 20 new/potential members will also receive a $50 reimbursement through ESP – Lambda Chapter.  You will need to register up front and pay the entire amount.  Please contact Beth Claypoole, eac9@cornell.edu,  for more information and to get registered for the first 20 non-member registrations.

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