Research Group Personnel


Research Assistants
Sui Ti A. Siebert
Stuart G. Reeves
Wlodzimierz Borejsza-Wysocki
 Thomas R. DeCory
 Michele C. Humiston
Postdoctoral Positions
Antje H. Baemner
Dr. Baeumner received her Ph.D. from the Institute of Technical Biochemistry at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) in June, 1997. Her thesis, Development of a Single-Use Immunosensor for Environmental Analysis of Pesticides with Liposome Amplification and Amperometeric Detection, (English translation) complements studies she performed as part of her postdoctoral research.

The picture above is Antje presenting an invited lecture, Development of Immunosensors and Test Strip Assays for the Detection of Pesticides, at PITTCON’97 in Atlanta on March 17, 1997. 
Antje as Professor Baeumner in the Cornell Dept. of Biological & Environmental Engineering

 Daniel Martorell-Pena
(No photograph available)
 Dr. Martorell received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. February 1995.Thesis: “Development of electrochemical biosensors for the determination of enzymatic inhibitors”.M.S. in Biotechnology from UAB in September 1990.Master’s thesis: “Release of enzymatic activity from Streptococcus lactis, S. cremoris and Lactobacillus casei  for the accelerated ripening of cheese”. B.S., Biology, UAB (1982-1987).
 Research Group ca. 1996
 Alison J. Edwards
(No photograph available)
Matthew A. Roberts
(No photograph available)
Myoyong Lee
(No photograph available)
Myoyong received the 1996 Colyer Award for excellence in a scientific paper by a graduate student in the area of food chemistry. She was recognized for her paper Determination of Imazethapyr Using Capillary Column Flow Injection Liposome Immunoanalysis which was published in J. Agric. Food Chem. 44, 4032-4036 (1996)
Geoffrey Rule
Patricia Glorio Paulet
(No photograph available)
Sungsu Park
Ja-An (Annie) Ho
Mou-Chieh Kao
(No photograph available)
Myunghee Kim
Li Tang
Mandy Esch
Katie Edwards
Soohyoun Ahn
Tone Helland
Hsiao-Wei (Cathy) Wen
L to R: Antje Baeumner, Jason Chen, Dick Durst and Cathy Wen
Ryan Urbanowicz
(No photograph available)
Chien-Sheng (Jason) Chen
Guest Students
Nabil Saad
 Muta Mathai