Year: 2014

Upcoming CSS Events

April 3, 2014 – Adapt-N Training Webinar. Sites throughout NE and Midwest or online.  For information: May 8, 2014 – Invasive Weed Seedling Identification, Ithaca, NY. For information: June 5, 2014 – Small Grains Management Field Day, Musgrave Farm, Aurora, NY. For information contact Jenn Thomas-Murphy at:….Continue Reading Upcoming CSS Events

Deer proliferation disrupts plant composition in natural areas

In a recently published study co-authored by CSS Professor Toni DiTommaso, Cornell investigators concluded that deer proliferation disrupts plant populations in natural areas.  DiTommaso’s group gathered soil cores – from both within and outside of fenced “deer exclosures” – and germinated the seed. They found the soil cores from outside of the exclosures contained many…Continue Reading Deer proliferation disrupts plant composition in natural areas

When it comes to battling weeds on the farm, Russell Hahn is a true road warrior

Associate Professor Russell Hahn’s research specialty is the development of effective and economical weed management strategies for field crops, working to eradicate pervasive pests like lambsquarters, ragweed and dandelion. Read the full article in the Cornell Notes….Continue Reading When it comes to battling weeds on the farm, Russell Hahn is a true road warrior

Weed Science Society of America Announces 2014 Winners in Annual Awards Program

Lawrence, Kansas — February 4, 2014 – This week the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) honored  nearly three  dozen individuals for their outstanding contributions to the field of weed science.  The awards were presented during the organization’s annual meeting, held this year in Vancouver, Canada. “We’re proud to honor true innovators who are making…Continue Reading Weed Science Society of America Announces 2014 Winners in Annual Awards Program