Month: March 2014

Upcoming CSS Events

April 3, 2014 – Adapt-N Training Webinar. Sites throughout NE and Midwest or online.  For information: May 8, 2014 – Invasive Weed Seedling Identification, Ithaca, NY. For information: June 5, 2014 – Small Grains Management Field Day, Musgrave Farm, Aurora, NY. For information contact Jenn Thomas-Murphy at:….Continue Reading Upcoming CSS Events

Deer proliferation disrupts plant composition in natural areas

In a recently published study co-authored by CSS Professor Toni DiTommaso, Cornell investigators concluded that deer proliferation disrupts plant populations in natural areas.  DiTommaso’s group gathered soil cores – from both within and outside of fenced “deer exclosures” – and germinated the seed. They found the soil cores from outside of the exclosures contained many…Continue Reading Deer proliferation disrupts plant composition in natural areas