
A Land Grant University: Cornell’s Legacy

The following is taken from the Present Value podcast, founded in fall 2017 by two Cornell MBA students. This episode was originally released on February 22, 2021.

In this episode, with host María Castex, Professor Jon Parmenter discusses his research on indigenous dispossession and Cornell University’s legacy as a land grant institution. In October of 2020, Parmenter wrote a blog post titled Flipped Scrip, Flipping the Script: The Morrill Act of 1862, Cornell University, and the Legacy of Nineteenth-Century Indigenous Dispossession. This episode discusses the Morrill Act and its further implications in detail, along with the degree to which we must confront this history and engage in discourse and the broader process of redress.

The podcast episodes are researched, written, edited, and sound engineered by the MBA student producers. Each episode has one host, supported by a student production team.

The audio of this podcast has been removed and it appears no archive was made. Please refer to the transcript below for the content of the episode.


Read the full transcript here.


Jon Parmenter, associate professor of history at Cornell University

María Castex ’21, Cornell MBA student

Kimberly Fuqua ’21, Cornell MPA student