Lead(her)ship Conference 2019

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CU Women Lead presents

Lead(her)ship Conference: Developing Women’s Leadership Skills for Personal and Professional Life

In collaboration with the Cornell University Women of Color Colleague Network Group
Sponsored by the President’s Council of Cornell Women and the Division of Human Resources

Wednesday, April 3rd, 9am-4pm (lunch provided)
Robert Purcell Community Center

Keynote: “COURAGE”
Chris Olex, Facilitator and Trainer

In this interactive session, participants will be asked to consider what courage looks like to them, how they learned what courage they do have, and what skills are necessary to build courage.  Rooted in Brené Brown’s research and Dare to Lead™ curriculum, participants will walk away understanding how they can be more courageous in their lives.

Chris Olex is a trainer, facilitator, and speaker specializing in personal, leadership, and team development.  She is certified in Dare to Lead™, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™, DiSC™, Emotional Intelligence, Effective Intelligence, and The Motivation Factor™

Other Conference Topics
Emotional Intelligence, Assertive Communication, LinkedIn,
Imposter Syndrome, Personal Strategic Plan and more!

Conference Schedule
Program Details
Parking and Transportation

For more about Colleague Network Groups, email Cassandre Joseph at cpj25@cornell.edu

If you need accommodations to attend this event, please email cuwlcommittee@cornell.edu as soon as possible.