

CCC was founded in 1971. It is a unit of the Campus Activities Office, Department of Campus and Community Engagement, and is funded in part by the SA and GPSA.

CCC serves to select, promote, and produce all aspects of popular concerts at Cornell, and provides the Cornell and greater Ithaca community with a diverse range of prominent acts.

New members are welcome anytime of the year! General body meetings are held every Thursday at 5:00 PM in McGraw 165. New members must attend 3 consecutive meetings and attend every other meeting afterwards to be an active voting member (but can work shows anytime)!

Working A Show

CCC members do far more than simply selecting artists to come to Cornell, as all CCC sponsored shows are student produced. The production is split into 6 crews: Security, Stage, Box Office, Merchandise, Hospitality, and Ticket Taking. Members who have attended the most meetings and promoted the event are given preference to their desired crew.

Working Avicii

Led by the Executive Director, the security crew is responsible for overlooking the audience at key locations of the venue and securing the backstage area. This crew is a half-day crew.

Led by the Productions Director, the stage crew is responsible for the setting up and breaking down the stage, lights, and sound of the concert during the day. During the show, the stage crew doubles as security members. This crew is a full-day crew.

Box Office
Led by the Finance Director, the box office is responsible for selling tickets at the door and attending to the will call tickets. This crew is a half-day crew.

Led by the Promotions Director, the merchandise crew is responsible for the selling of any merchandise provided by the artist. The Promotions Director is also responsible for handling press. This crew is a half-day crew.

Led by the Administrative Director, the hospitality crew is responsible for the preparation of the artists’ dressing rooms, as well as providing food for both the crews and the artists. This is a full-day crew.

Ticket Taking
Led by the Selections Director, the ticket takers are responsible for scanning and collecting tickets, as well as confiscating any items that cannot be brought into the venue.