A review of “Distablishment a Second Time: Genuine Pluralism for American Schools”

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It has been a while since I read this fine book, and I can’t find my copy of it. However, I will attempt a brief summary.

If I recall correctly, the authors argue:

  • The First Amendment has been mistakenly interpreted to hold that the Federal Government is prevented from funding religious schools. Instead, it states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. Taken literally, this prohibits the Federal Government from enacting legislation which either requires or forbids “an establishment of religion”. Its second clause specifically forbids legislation “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. Legislation prohibiting federal funding of religious schools simply because they are religious would qualify as a prohibition of the free exercise of religion.
  • There was certainly no prohibition of the states ability to prefer or fund religious groups.
  • The “civil religion” held by Jefferson is not functionally different than any other religion.
  • Since education is impossible outside a particular worldview, the idea that the US public school system is “religiously neutral” is a myth.
  • The US public school system was originated by a coalition of Protestant and Humanist leaders as a means of indoctrinating the children of impoverished Irish Catholic immigrants. The Catholics responded by creating an extensive private school system of their own.
  • The religion of our current public schools is contrary to Christianity in many respects.