The little things to remember

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash
Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

Fast pace, additional responsibilities, “new normal” are all terms we can relate to. Remember to take time monthly, weekly and daily to capture the little things that bring happiness, memories and strength to your family.

Weekly, daily and monthly capture and make memories for your family?

What’s your favorite childhood memory and how is it captured?

In our ever changing world, we may need reminders of the small things that will bring happiness, togetherness and memories to your family. From communication, family events, playing with your children, reading a book together and a hug are all ways to make those memories. Here is a Parent’s Pyramid pdf that your family can print out, display and see how many on the pyramid you can check off for the month, each day and weekly! Have fun!

Brought to you by:
Paula Goodrich
Parenting Educator Home Visitor