Using your senses for mindfulness

The five sensesFeeling overwhelmed? Are your children out of control or feeling overwhelmed? Try using your senses to bring calm and relaxation to you and your children. This is a quick, easy and available at any time, and a way to use mindfulness. Bring some calmness to your overwhelming feelings.

What ways do you try to recover in the minute for a calming feeling?

Why do you or when do you feel so overwhelmed and think that you just don’t have time to relax?

When you do have time, what ways do you relax and bring calm to you and your family?

When you are feeling overwhelmed, uneasy, overtaxed just ready to throw in the towel, or you see that your children are showing signs of uneasiness, anxiety or ready to have a tantrum use these steps to bring some focus and relaxation to you and your children. This technique can be used anytime or anyplace.   Think about your senses: Close your eyes and smell. What smells can you smell?   Close your eyes and listen. What sounds do you hear? Open your eyes, look around. What do you see? Open your hands, feel something near to you. What do you feel?   Taking just a few minutes to connect with these senses can give you just enough time to recharge and move forward in a calmer more relaxed frame of mind.

Brought to you by:
Paula Goodrich
Parenting Educator Home Visitor