Question: How have you and/or your kids been getting your physical activity in while you are at home?

Question: How have you and/or your kids been getting your physical activity in while you are at home?

One of the best ways we can maintain good health is by being physically active on a regular basis. Ideally, active habits start in early childhood and continue as we grow and develop, but, it’s never too late to start becoming more active.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers research-based physical activity recommendations for all ages, races, genders, and ability levels. In general, the CDC recommends the following physical activity for children and teen:

  • Preschool-aged children between the ages of three and five should be physically active multiple times during the day through various play activities.
  • Children and adolescents between the ages of six to 17 should participate in a mix of aerobic and strengthening activities for at least 60 minutes every day.


Kids who learn to move better are more likely to want to stay active. Current research suggests active kids do better in life overall, so perhaps using this time of being cooped up at home to embrace time outdoors daily, even if the weather is cool out.

  • Active kids are more likely to maintain a healthy weight from childhood to adulthood, with one-tenth of the risk of obesity as compared to inactive children. Childhood obesity is directly linked to lack of exercise and nearly 20% of American children between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese.
  • Active kids perform better in school. Physical activity promotes normal growth and development and improves sleep. As a result, active kids demonstrate better attention in school and higher test scores, which increases the likelihood that they will attend college. In adulthood, this translates to improved productivity at work, with a better chance of earning a higher income compared to inactive counterparts.
  • Active kids make healthier choices as teenagers. Active kids are less likely to participate in risky behaviors, including smoking, drinking, and drug use.
  • Active kids are less likely to have chronic diseases later in life. Regular exercises can decrease the risk of seven out of 10 of the most common chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. As a result, healthy habits experience fewer health costs and an overall decrease in morbidity.
  • Active kids tend to become healthy active adults. And, children of active parents are twice as likely to be active themselves.


As a parent or caregiver spending countless hours inside with your kids, these may not be the immediate concerns in your mind. But physical activity has many additional benefits that will improve health-related quality of life. While your family is confined to your home during the COVID-19 pandemic, physical activity can:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety caused by uncertainty
  • Improve immune function
  • Reduce the negative effects of inactivity (e.g., obesity, depression, and chronic disease)


There are all sorts of activities that can be done at home with limited space and equipment. The best kinds of indoor activities are those that are fun and encourage exercise without necessarily feeling like a workout. Try these indoor activity ideas to get your kids moving at home:

  • Dance parties
  • Animal races (move like a cat, cow, bear, or frog)
  • Nerf wars
  • Balloon games
  • Virtual activities, such as online kids’ fitness videos

    Increase Physical Activity
     This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND


If it’s possible for your family going outside to enjoy fresh air is a great daily habit. Maybe a walk or a bike ride if that appeals to your family. Other outdoor activities might include a game of tag, frisbee, or walking the dog. As long as you have the space to maintain appropriate social distancing, get outside and play.

As you encourage your kids to get active, keep in mind the recommendations of public health experts, including:

  • Practicing good hand hygiene by washing hands with warm, soapy water at least 20 seconds before and after all activity
  • Following social distancing guidelines
  • Avoiding the sharing of sports or fitness equipment, including public playgrounds
  • Cleaning and disinfecting any equipment before and after use
  • Refraining from touching frequently-used surfaces (e.g., handrails on a walking path)


For fun – View this viral dad Dance Party Video…Maybe your family would like to start a dance challenge.

This post was brought to you by:
Melissa C Schroeder
Youth and Family Program Director
Cornell Cooperative Extension Schuyler County