Positive Resolutions for 2022

So much has changed this year; and we really don’t know what to expect in 2022.  Your attitude as we go into the New Year can make a difference to your overall health according to Food and Health Communications.

So instead of making the regular list of resolutions for the New Year, try taking small steps and go month by month. At the beginning of each new month, set a measurable goal for yourself on a new topic while continuing the previous months’ activities, too. Reevaluate how you’re doing each month. At the end of the year, you’ll have twelve new habits and a more healthful lifestyle.

Make it you. Choose an achievable goal based on a positive change you’d like to make in your life.  Each month you’ll need to decide what would be a good accomplishment for you. Are you going for a daily change, twice weekly, every other week, or one a month? That, too, is up to you. Look at where you are now and where you’d like to be at the end of the month and the end of the year. Be specific.

Writing goals down makes them more real. Put them on your calendar at the beginning of each month — either on your paper or electronic calendar. Or, set it as a reminder on your phone. It could be for every month, every week, or every day — whichever works for you.

Journaling or making notes on what you did also helps to make it a habit. There are phone apps that can help you do this too.

Here is an idea for January: “Foster Happiness”.  Happiness isn’t just a feeling that we all need or want. Researchers that study what makes people happy found that there are common themes when it comes to happiness. Happy people have close relationships, strive for positive attitudes, express gratitude, look for the good in every day, are optimistic, help others, are constantly learning new things, focus on their own strengths and live mindfully. While also nice to be around, happy people are more creative, more energetic, and more productive.

  • Make a measurable goal for yourself regarding happiness and make it happen.  Here are some ideas for possible goals:
  • Make a list of what makes you happy.  Do at least one thing that makes you happy. (Every day? Every week?)
  • Journal every day about something that made you happy.
  • Make a happy song playlist including songs that make you happy or that bring you positive memories.
  • Read a book, take an online course in happiness, or watch a YouTube video on happiness.
  • Reach out to others. Make a goal to call someone you haven’t heard from each week. Text a positive message to others each day.
  • Volunteer one day a week or month.
  • Share the positives.  Greet those you meet.  Hold the door for others.  Small acts of kindness make a difference in you and others.

Best wishes for 2022 as you bring more happiness into your life.

Article released 12/27/2021

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