Creative Ways to Enjoy Dry Beans

Beans, canned or dried, are an affordable protein source that also provides dietary fiber and other nutrients we need, including folate and potassium, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends adults eat 1 to 3 cups of beans per week, which will depend on calorie needs based on your age, gender and physical activity.

One ½-cup serving of cooked beans has about the same amount of protein (7 grams) as one ounce of cooked chicken, beef, pork or fish. Although the protein in beans is not exactly the same as protein from animal sources, when a variety of other plant-based foods are consumed throughout the day, like grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds, along with enough calories, protein needs can be met.

Dried beans stay good for a year as long as they’re kept dry, while canned beans are good as long as the can is free of rust, dents or swelling.

Dried beans are most often noted for being an excellent source of fiber, which is important for digestive health. Dietary fiber may also help reduce the risk of heart disease and promote a feeling of fullness, which can help with weight management.

Many of us are eating too little dietary fiber, so beans can be a delicious and affordable way to get closer to that goal. A ½-cup serving of cooked beans, provides about 20% of the Daily Value.

While dried beans can take a while to cook, lentils will give you a protein-packed meal in a flash. Lentils are tiny, cook quickly and don’t need any soaking time. Just give them a quick rinse with fresh water and cook in boiling water. Use canned lentils for even more time savings.

If the texture of lentils or whole beans is not your favorite, a smooth lentil soup might be more enjoyable. Lentils break down while cooking but a blender can make it even smoother.

Humus is a smooth chickpea dip. Simply combine a drained can of chickpeas (also called garbanzo beans) with a big spoonful of tahini, a tablespoon of lemon juice, one clove of garlic, salt and pepper and a few tablespoons of olive oil in a food processor and blend to your desired consistency. In addition to a dip, hummus can be used as a spread on sandwiches, added to wraps or it can serve as a creamy base for homemade pizza, either in addition to or in place of tomato sauce.

Chickpeas are delicious when crisped in the oven. Try rinsing a can of chickpeas, tossing them on a baking sheet with your favorite seasonings, such as pumpkin spice or taco seasoning, and baking them until very crispy. Once cool, crunchy chickpeas can be stored in a jar or portioned into bags for quick snacks on the go. Try eating these snacks within a week for the most crunch.  Eat these baked chickpeas as a snack all by themselves, as a savory crouton or as a crunchy topping for soup.

Ramp up your bean intake slowly and make sure you’re drinking enough water. If you’re dehydrated, increasing your fiber intake can cause constipation.

Article released December 6, 2021

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