Peaches – Summer Treat

Peaches are a summer treat that are a low-calorie source of the antioxidant vitamins A and C according to Food and Health Communications. They are high in fiber, especially pectin, a soluble fiber that helps to lower high blood cholesterol. The fuzzy fruit is also a source of flavonoids and beta carotene; these two compounds may help prevent the growth of certain cancers.

While there are hundreds of varieties of peaches, they are classified into two categories: freestone, with a loose, easily removed pit, or clingstone in which the pit is harder to remove. Freestone peaches are usually sold fresh while the clingstones are reserved for canning, freezing and preserving.

Peaches aren’t as fuzzy as they used to be. Due to the consumer’s desire for “fuzz-less” peaches, most commercially grown peaches are mechanically brushed once they are picked. Peaches at local markets may be fuzzier than those purchased in supermarkets.

Peaches that have been ripened on the tree will have bright hues of yellow, orange and red on their skins. If they are light in color, they will be light on flavor.  Select peaches that have a yellow or creamy color that are fragrant, unblemished, and not too hard.  Avoid peaches with bruises or wrinkles.  When gently squeezed, they should yield to pressure.  Contrary to the belief of many, the red blush on peaches is not an indicator of ripeness.  Peaches with a greenish color were picked before they matured and will never ripen.

Peaches should have some weight to them. If their skin is wrinkled, or wrinkles when you give a squeeze, then chances are good that you are holding a fruit past its prime. Once the fruit is past ripeness, the water from the juice begins to evaporate, leaving behind a dry and mealy peach.

Store unwashed peaches at room temperature until ripe. Storing unripe peaches in a paper bag at room temperature for a few days will help ripen them.

When ripe, store in a resealable plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. However, it’s best not to buy more peaches than you plan to use right away.

Rinse peaches in cold water just before using.  Peaches are good for both cooking and eating raw, with or without the skin. Remove the peach from the refrigerator 1 hour before eating, as the flavor is better when warm.

Peaches are very versatile and have many uses:

  • Chop and add to baked goods such as breads or muffins
  • Poach and serve as a simple dessert.
  • Add to a skewer of meat and vegetables for grilling.
  • Use them in salsas or chutney.
  • They are delicious in salads or as a topping for breakfast cereals, pancakes or waffles.

Peaches will turn brown once they are peeled.  To prevent this, toss them lightly in lemon juice if you plan to serve them later.

Peaches can be preserved by canning, freezing, or made into jams or salsas.  Information is available on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Herkimer County website at their Food Preservation Resources page.

Article released August 24, 2020

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