Corn Yield Database and Manure N Rates; Looking for Participating Farms

We are looking for a few more farms and farm-advisor participants in a project to start to address the corn yield database and manure application rates:

  • Over the past months we have had discussions with many of you about the corn yield potential database and its link to the Cornell corn N guidelines
  • Re-evaluation of yield potentials and N needs is needed but changes require data.
  • Research is needed to evaluate if higher manure rates can be justified for fields that support yields substantially above the currently listed Cornell yield potentials.
  • We are looking for a few more farms that spring inject/incorporate manure and are interested in working with us on this project.
  • How can you participate: (1) implement 3 manure injection rates (currently recommended based on the yield potential in the database, plus two higher rates reflecting higher expected yield) in four replications in a field (12 plots), measure corn silage or grain yield (subsample for DM and quality) and take corn stalk nitrate test (CSNT).
  • We will work with you to take some extra measurements (soil and manure analyses) as part of the project.

We would ideally like to work with farms that inject manure but tillage-incorporated manure application rates are ok too, as long as it is a spring application with quick incorporation (same day, ideally as close as possible to application). If interested contact Greg Godwin (607 279 4627), Karl Czymmek (607 592 2634), or Quirine Ketterings (607 255 3061).

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