Here, you will find a listing of various resources to assist you in exploring and starting an agricultural or horticultural business:
Guides and Relevant Publications – Listing of publications from various organizations that you may find useful in exploring or starting your business.
Marketing Resources – A brief listing of resources to assist you in developing a marketing strategy for your business. Also, to give you some ideas on various ways to market the products you grow.
Business Planning – A brief listing of resources that are helpful to you to plan and develop a business plan for your business.
Financial Considerations – Resources that can assist you with enterprise budgeting, determining financing needs and other financial decision-making tools.
Land Acquisition and Leasing – Looking for land or need more land to farm? Here is a listing of some resources that might help you.
Record Keeping Resources – A listing of various resources to help you establish and use a financial (or production) record keeping system for your farm.
State Tax Information – There are tax related regulations that are specific for agricultural and horticultural businesses. The list here is a start to help you understand sales, real property and income tax regulations specific for an agricultural or horticultural business.