What symptoms do you see?
Whole plants
- Plants are wilting and collapsing in a young planting
- Plants are wilting and collapsing in an older planting
Leaves and stems
- Leaves and stems are unusually colored, spotted, or necrotic
- Leaves are curled, rolled, or crinkled
- Leaves have a white powder on the underside
- Stems are covered with spittle
- Leaf petioles have galls
- Buds are cut just prior to flowering
- Flowers have a blackened center or are entirely brown
- Flower petals are greenish, and fruit never ripen
- Fruit is deformed or nubby at the tips
- Fruit is small, seedy, and has a bronze cast
- Fruit is rotting or discolored prior to harvest
- Fruit or fruit stems are covered with a white powder
- Fruit is physically damaged (chewed, holes, splitting, etc.)
- Fruit may look fine at picking, but develop symptoms later in the basket. Alternatively, fruit has a soft, bruised appearance on shoulders, often only on one side; fruit looks “pulpy” or is liquefying; fruit may have small white fruit fly larvae inside.