NY Beef Producer’s Association Winter Management Meeting, January 22 – 23, 2016. Syracuse, NY. “Using Antibiotics Responsibly for Cattle Care and Meeting Consumer Expectations”
Friday Sessions
- Virkler_History and How Antibiotics Function to Improve Animal Health
- Smith_Fundamental Concepts of Antibiotic Resistance
- Johnson_What Happens if I have a Violation
- Bertoldo_Are There Alternatives to Antibiotics
- Trowbridge and Scott_Veterinary Feed Directive What It Means on Your Farm
- Blasi_Thinking Outside The Shots
Saturday – Session 2A
- Sibbel_VCPR_Key To Judicious use of antibitiocs
- Virkler_History and How Antibiotics Function… (See Friday)
- Trowbridge_Veterinary Feed Directive…(See Friday)
- Baker_Communication With Consumers About Antibiotic Use
Saturday – Session 2B (presentations to be uploaded as available)