Feeder Auction Report, Canandaigua Stockyards, September 23, 2023

No comparison to previous report. Demand was moderate. Today’s sale included the bi-weekly Saturday Special Feeder and Replacement Sale. Supply included: 95% Feeder Cattle (47% Steers, 1% Dairy Steers, 43% Heifers, 8% Bulls); 5% Replacement Cattle (23% Stock Cows, 34%
Bred Cows, 18% Bred Heifers, 25% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 51%.

Full Report: Canandaigua 09.23.23

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About Nancy Glazier

I started my current position as Small Farms and Livestock Specialist in 2008. My responsibilities include conducting educational programs in grazing, livestock production, and marketing for commercial dairies and livestock farms in the 9-county region. I also conduct trainings for Beef Quality Assurance certification as a certified trainer. I really enjoy working with farmers, both beginning and experienced. Design and deliver educational programs that meet the needs of producers related issues pertaining to livestock production. Provide technical assistance on questions from the private and public sector through phone calls, monthly team newsletters, web site updates, farm visits, discussion groups, research projects, and meetings. Organize seasonal pasture walks. Collaborate with Cornell faculty, staff and producers on research projects and grants that address the needs of the NY producer. Target programs to grow, encourage and support beginning farmers.