Communicating Agriculture: How to Work with Your Assessor and Enhancing Landowner/Lessee Relationships

The first of 5 sessions on Agriculture. While being sponsored by the Dutchess County Agriculture Advisory Committee, the sessions is useful for a much wider audience.

The fist session is Wednesday, Feb 24.

The first session of the series is entitled Communicating Agriculture: How to Work with Your Assessor and Enhancing Landowner/Lessee Relationships. This session will take place on Wednesday, February 24th at 7pm and will include a live panel discussion with six agricultural stakeholders – two farmers, an assessor, landowner, and two land conservationists. The session discussion will include topics such as Agricultural Value Assessment, both from the perspective of the assessor and farmer/landowner; lease agreements, including securing a farmer on leased land; and opportunities to enhance farmland preservation. A question-and-answer session for audience members will follow the discussion.

To register for the session, please sign up here. Zoom information for the virtual meeting will be sent to participants upon registration.