Countering misinformation with accurate information that does not rely solely on accuracy

Below is an excerpt of an article that appeared in MeatingPlace.

Activists, nutritionists and others who would encourage consumers to eat less meat tend to play on what Roerink called the “three triangles of guilt”.

Consumers are told that:

  1. Not eating meat is better for the planet, because animal agriculture is environmentally destructive;
  2. Animals raised for meat are routinely subjected to treatment and conditions that are unnecessarily cruel, and
  3. Meat-free is better for their health personally.

The challenge is for the meat industry at all levels of the supply chain to counter these arguments with accurate information that does not rely solely on their accuracy to make the point: rather, the meat production and retail industry must appeal to consumers’ emotions, the same way anti-meat messaging does. Or, as Roerink put it in her presentation, “Bring our passion back to the table. Get every link of the chain to show their passion about what it is that they do.”

The entire article can be found here.