Evaluating Grass-fed Dairy Genetics in the Pasture Field Day

Featuring Renowned International Livestock Judge, Australia’s John O’Brien
On Wednesday August 28th, 2019 9am to 3pm with lunch
at Nathan & Kristine Weaver’s Grunen Aue Dairy Farm
on 4225 East Milestrip Rd., Canastota, NY 13032
$10 admission at the farm with $5 for additional family members

“A cow’s level of efficiency in naturally converting available resources into nutritious consumer food is the key to a farmers’ profitability, sustainability, lifestyle and consumer health. Healthy cows provide healthy food and healthy profits,” emphasizes cattle industry maverick and CEO of Nature’s Blueprint Cow, John O’Brien. (www.naturesblueprintcow.com)

With over 50 years of experience in the cattle industry covering every aspect of the Australian and international dairy and beef cattle sectors; from importing and exporting live cattle and frozen genetics, to consulting with farmers around the globe on genetic selection and design, as well as implementing profitable farming systems, O’Brien brings a hands-on holistic approach to achieve proven results.

Why this quest for pasture-based genetics? John is immensely passionate about great cows, actually loves cows and can look and talk at length about them. He is also intensely curious and less inclined to take the easy way out, would rather investigate than accept established beliefs, believes that we should live with both our head and our heart, is concerned over the current state of the beef and dairy cattle industry and the products consumers purchase, wants to make money for farmers rather than from them, wants to show consumers and producers that different alternatives are available and desires to make a difference in the world and a difference in people’s lives.
This personal field day is an opportunity and investment in knowledge where farmers will learn the art of evaluating grass-fed dairy cattle, the requirements of a profitable grass based cow, the importance of pedigree, the VIP selection criteria when purchasing a bull, the major genetic defect no one speaks of, improving productivity not production and realizing the cost of thin cows in your herd.

“We have been using Nature’s Blueprint Sires for the last six years with offspring in their fourth lactations. It is evident that these cows have the genetic makeup to perform well on an all-forage diet. You can see them with your own eyes. We expect to rely on Nature’s Blueprint bulls for providing the genetic foundation of our herd,” says host Nathan Weaver.

The event is sponsored by Maple Hill Creamery, Organic Valley Cooperative, Nathan and Kristine Weaver, Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District, Madison County Graziers Group and the Peterboro Amish Church Community.

To preregister for this unique gathering to look at some great cows and grass: Call Troy Bishopp, Madison County SWCD at (315) 824-9849 ext. 110 or Email at troy-bishopp@verizon.net

Troy Bishopp aka The Grass Whisperer
Madison Co. Soil & Water Conservation District/
Upper Susquehanna Coalition Regional Grassland Conservation Professional
6503 Wes Rd. Hamilton, N.Y. 13346
(315) 824-9849 ext. 110 Fax (315) 824-9629

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Linger Grazing:The act of observing the little things and thinking about how it effects the big things.
“Strive for happiness, for only then can you exude the happiness that will infect the people around you.” ~ Scott Bishopp