Beef Meetings in NNY

Hi Everyone,

Save the date below (December 7th). Select Sire Power is providing pizza and beverages. Maybe we can bring some things to go with it. Mike Baker will be in town. This meeting includes some hands on case studies to help us really understand the AI catalog. It can be sort of a holiday get together as well (NO, you don’t have to dress up!).

For those of you in other counties….it will be offered in Essex County on the 4th, Clinton County on the 5th, and Franklin on the 6th. You will have to contact your own Extension Office for details.

Mike Baker will be doing some farm visits while he is in the North Country as well.

Hope to see you there! (You can also email me to register)


Betsy F. Hodge
Livestock Educator CCE St. Lawrence
2043B State Highway 68
Canton, NY 13617
315-379-9192 Ext 227
Visit out webpage at