Beef Meeting and Workshop -Sept 2, Canton, NY

Please join us for a……

Dynamite Beef Meeting!!

Wednesday, September 2nd 2015

At: Northern Limits Farm (Joe Eisele, Dr. Amy Thompson), 6900 CR 27, Canton, NY
and The Club Restaurant, 25 Court St, Canton, NY.

5:30pm hands on at the farm, 6:30pm for dinner and discussion

This is our annual End of Summer meeting with Ed Primrose and Matt Slegle, partners in Conquest Cattle Feeders, a 1400 head capacity feedlot in Cato, NY. Ed and Matt will be discussing their operation; cattle herd health, and what they and the entire feedlot industry are looking for in cattle. Additionally, we will be joined by Dr. Mike Baker, Cornell Beef Cattle Extension Specialist, who will be discussing this year’s push to bring a graded feeder sale to NY this fall. Dr. Baker and the St. Lawrence Co. Extension service will be finishing a 40 head implant study and will have results ready that day.

5:30pm:  Tail end of the weighing of Joe’s calves for the study. Mike, Matt and Ed will be evaluating/critiquing cattle on pasture, talking strengths, weaknesses, improvements to be made, grades and values
6:30pm: Sponsored Roast Beef Buffett at The Club. We’ll continue the conversation from the pasture with Ed, Matt and Mike, plus updates on the December 12th graded feeder sale, the efforts of the Beef Advisory Board, building marketable commercial cattle, value, markets, Nutrition (Mike Maloney, FCB Nutrition and Alltech will be with us), Veterinary Updates (Dr. Amy Thompson, Canton Animal Clinic will be there also),  and open discussion and questions.

Dinner is being generously sponsored by Alltech and Canton Animal Clinic.

RSVP by Friday September 28th  for dinner please,
Canton Animal Clinic 315-386-2754

See you on the 2nd!!