“Beef Cattle Business Clinic” March 14


MARCH 14, 2014, 6pm

Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange Canandaigua, NY

1. VACCINATION PROTOCOLS – want to increase price received for your feeder cattle? You have to use the right protocol. On over 10,000 feeders marketed in New York, we now have the data document what works.

2. USING GENOMICS IN YOUR HERD – DNA technology is not just for the high end seedstock producers. Learn how to use the latest technology in your commercial herd.

3. OPEN DISCUSSION – bring your thoughts and ideas to discuss with presenters and each other.

Presenters Dr. Mike Baker, Cornell University, Dr. Dave Wilson, DVM, & Phil Trowbridge

FREE PIZZA DINNER sponsored by Finger Lakes Livestock & Trowbridge Farms RSVP 518-369-6584, phil@trowbridgefarms.com