Meeting on hay qualilty November 6 in Bath, NY.

NYBPA Southern Region Beef Producer’s Fall Meeting

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

Greenside Restaurant at the Bath Country Club, 330 May St., Bath,

Featuring an interactive an educational presentation by Mr. Don Burkard, independent Nutritionist entitled:

“Do You Know What is Going on Inside that bale of Hay?”

Mr. Burkard is an experienced and innovative nutritional consultant who specializes in helping producers understand the nutritional needs of cattle.  Although he specializes in Dairy Production, he has created a unique and energizing presentation for the beef producer.  We will be using actual feed samples from beef producers in the Southern Tier area (dry hay, grass baleage, and corn silage), to determine if these feeds are adequate for beef cattle in the growing, the gestation, and the lactation periods of the average beef cattle herd.  Additionally, we will be analyzing how the nutrient requirements change when the weather gets colder, and when the mud gets deeper.  This presentation will be showing the importance of having your forage tested in order to know if you are meeting the nutritional needs of your beef cattle.  This promises to be a great workshop filled with essential nutritional tips and strategies as we prepare for the onset of the winter feeding period in New York.

Southern Region Meeting to Follow:

Agenda items include:

1)       Introduction of Regional Chairman and selection of co-chair

2)      Appointment of Secretary/Treasurer

3)      NYBPA Council Updates

4)      Preparing for the Winter Conference/Annual meeting

5)      Establishment of Spring meeting date and location

6)      Adjourn

Cocktails.Cash Bar beginning at 6:00 pm

Dinner: 6:30 pm

Dinner Entrees:

Option 1

Open faced steak sandwich, baked potato, vegetable side, side salad, roll w/butter.


Option 2

Homemade lasagna with meat sauce, garlic bread and garden salad

Cost – $17.00, including tax, gratuity, coffee or tea, and desert.

Cash payment accepted at registration.


Greenside Restaurant at the Bath Country Club
330 May St
Bath, NY 14810

 Reservations are absolutely necessary, and must be received by Friday, October 26th.

All interested individuals are encouraged to attend.

Reservations can be made in 3 ways:


1)      Call John Kriese at (315) 595-6198  (home) Leave a message if no one picks up!

2)      Email John Kriese at

3)      Mail the reservation form to John Kriese   4385 Italy Hill Road   Branchport, NY  14418