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An AgSci Guy Goes to Sweden

Hi all, This is the first post of my blog for my study abroad experience. For those of you that do not know me, my name is Daniel Demeree and I am a junior at Cornell and ambassador of the Agricultural Sciences major. I have decided to study in Sweden this spring semester of 2010 at the Swedish University of the Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

I decided to study abroad because it is an experience that I could not pass up. I am with the CALS Exchange program and they have made the whole process very easy for me. The idea of going to a foreign culture and country is really exciting to me. I will be leaving for Sweden in just two days on January 10 and I am getting feverish thinking about what I am about to undertake. I have to control my emotions in the airport, or people might think wrongly of me. I am leaving out of Newark Int’l, after all. I will be taking four ag science courses at SLU. They are ag cropping systems, animal nutrition, production and utilization of forages, and tropical livestock systems (there is irony here).

These courses will take care of some requirements for the major at Cornell. I did not decide to study abroad for the academics involved. After all, Cornell is already a world class education. The main reason why I wanted to study abroad is that I wanted to experience a foreign culture. I do not have much to say in this first post seems how I have not left the home farm yet. I hope to be able to post once a week throughout the semester and use this blog to journal my experience.

This is my first blog and I do not know what kind of learning curve is involved, so bear with me. I hope to get creative with it.  I have added the theme song to students of the town in Sweden I am headed to- Uppsala. It is pretty catchy, I think you will enjoy (youtube vid). Kirsti on being a student in Uppsala, Sweden Kari- you will love it. Also, feel free to comment and make this blog a two-way street.


  1. Kari says:

    Dan! That song is a riot! We expect to hear a full rendition from you when you return.

    Where do you go first? Are you traveling before school starts? Tell us more details and don’t forget to take photos!!

  2. dgd36 says:

    I will. I will. I am going to Sweden on Sunday. I said that on my post. I will take lots of photos. A lot of them will be on facebook. You are my friend. You will see them. I will add a few into the blog.

  3. dgd36 says:

    I will have to get a lot better at the pronouncing the swedish language before I do that.

  4. Anna says:

    I’m so jealous! Remember when we went to the information session together? Sweden will never be the same, and neither will AZ. We’ll miss you!

    Also, Kari is right – but you should actually make up your own music video too.

  5. dgd36 says:

    I do remember that. That was the first step in studying abroad with CALS Exchange. And here I am. The picture will change soon…. maybe.

  6. Laura says:

    Dan! This is the sweetest thing ever! I’m so glad to hear that you’re enjoying and learning so many new thing as you venture forth from Cornell and experience the many wonders and beauties of the world overseas 🙂 I hope you’re able to rest and get over any jet-lag you still might have..The theme song is ridiculously funny and all of your photos are great! Keep up the good work and take time to explore!! 🙂 We’ll miss you at AZ!

  7. dgd36 says:

    You are going to love studying abroad Laura, I know you will.

  8. agsci234 says:

    I translated the lyrics to the song!!! It’s awesome!

    My girlfriend phoned
    if I can come along,
    at the cabin in the snow
    and I said ok.
    In the sun in March,
    I lost my heart,
    when I saw him then,
    He was student from Uppsala.

    A student from Uppsala-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    A student from Uppsala-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la laaaa

    And in the evening at tea
    at the hut in the snow
    He spoke softly to me
    “I always stay with you.”
    And we had no money,
    But the world was beautiful,
    because the sky was near,
    and my student from Uppsala.

    A student from Uppsala-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    A student from Uppsala-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la laaaa

    I came later in May
    at the lodge over
    and I found no snow,
    because it bloomed clover.
    And the sun it seemed,
    and I thought of him
    I never saw again,
    He was a student from Uppsala.

    A student from Uppsala-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    A student from Uppsala-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la laaaa

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