Facilitator Guide > > Session 10: 5 D’s of Bystander Intervention
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session participants:
- will have learned different ways to intervene when a minoritized community member is being harassed.
- will apply knowledge to understand which “D” works for which situation.
Suggested Agenda
- :00 Collective Agreements Review and Breathing Activity
- :05 Present 5 D’s (Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay & Direct): Present each of the 5 Ds using this guide. Ask teens examples from their lives about when they have seen/heard/observed someone use this strategy.
- :25 Scenarios
- Present summary and scenario slides
- Create a Zoom poll and ask all participants which Dthey would use
- Have a member of each group explain why they made this choice
- Summarize with a review of Dos and Don’ts
- Do
- Stay Safe
- Make your presence known
- Take cues from targeted individual
- Don’t
- Escalate
- Do nothing
- Call police (in most cases, especially if no threat of physical violence)
- Do
- :30 Create a Jam Board, and ask all youth to answer the following questions
- What did you learn?
- What do people need to know?
- How can/will you continue to Act for Change in the world?
- :35 Breakout Work Groups- Youth discuss the work they have been creating for the showcase
- 1:05 Main Group- Youth present back to the main group what they are planning to present at the showcase for feedback
- 1:25 Integrative Closing:
- I liked
- I wish
- I wonder
Facilitator’s Section
Additional Resources
- Bystander Intervention 101. The People’s Response Team. March 2017, Chicago IL. Retrieved and adapted from https://www.afsc.org/sites/default/files/documents/bystander_intervention_final.pdf
- https://www.ihollaback.org/bystander-resources/