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Abstract 075

Chemometrics in Brewing – A Review

J. Amer. Soc. Brew. Chem. 59 (4): 147-156, 2001

K.J. Siebert

Chemometrics is the application of principles of measurement science and multivariate mathematics and statistics to efficiently extract maximum useful information from data. It can be applied to sensory, chemical and biological measurements, and typically is applied when multiple measurements are made on a set of samples. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is often used to simplify and gain better understanding of large, complicated data sets. EDA can also be used to determine how many fundamental properties are represented in a data set and the extent to which measurements are redundant. Pattern Recognition (PARC) can be used to identify the cultivar or growing area of a raw material, or the brand or production plant in which a product was made from its pattern of analytical results. Advanced PARC procedures can detect adulteration or be used for multivariate QA/QC. Empirical modeling has many applications including development of analytical methods, discerning the relationships between product composition and sensory properties, developing knowledge of relationships between molecular structure and biological properties, and developing control algorithms for unit operations or processes.

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