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Abstract 028

Determination of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Packaged Beer Via Gas Chromatography

J. Amer. Soc. Brew. Chem. 44: 72-77, 1986

T.J. Wisk and K.J. Siebert

Package O2 content has previously been determined by isolating the non-CO2 gases from the package and analysing them by GC. O2 and N2 in the package are determined by GC and the application of the ideal-gas law and Henry’s law. Gases in the package were equilibrated between the liquid and gaseous phases by shaking at room temp. A modified Zahm piercing device and an automatic sampling valve were used to introduce a portion of the package headspace gas onto the chromatographic column. Measurement of the O2 (or N2) peak area and the package temp., pressure, and headspace vol. permitted calculation of the total O2 (or N2) content of the package. Results obtained in this way were reproducible and compared well with those obtained by polarographic electrode and Zahm techniques.

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