Affiliated New Affiliates and Senior MechE’s Invited for Door Prizes, Bagels and Coffee Tomorrow (revised time) 8:45-9:45 a.m Upson Lounge

Attention MechE Seniors and New Affiliates:

If you’ve joined MechE in Fall 2013 or Spring 2014,  or if you are a MechE Senior,  you are invited to join Sibley faculty for  bagels/coffee/juice on Thursday, February 6, in Upson Lounge, anytime between 8:45-9:45.   Professors’ Mark Campbell, Director of the Sibley School and Wolfgang Sachse, Director of Undergraduate Studies,  in addition to sophomore faculty advisors will be attending.  Door prizes at 9:30 a.m.  Several current MAE M.Eng. students will also be present.    Sponsored by the Cornell Chapter of the ASME.

Info Session Today for ASML – 6:00 in Up B17 – Hosted by ASME

ASML is the world’s leading provider of lithography systems for the semiconductor industry, manufacturing complex machines that are critical to the production of integrated circuits or chips. Their domestic headquarters are in Wilton, CT, and representatives from that location will be hosting an information session today, in conjunction with ASME.

When: 6PM, TODAY (Sept 25th)

Where: Upson B17

Recruiting: MechE, MSE, ECE

Food: Pizza, soda, cake

ASME Executive Board Members Fall 2013/Spring 2014

Here is the latest ASME Executive Board Member roster.  Thank you, in advance, to those MechE’s, for contributing their time to enhance your student experience.

President: Jeffry Lew

Vice President: Henry Ekwaro-Osire

Corporate Relations Chair / Webmaster: Nikhil Lal

Newsletter Editor: Charles Zhang

Newsletter Editor: Noah Kantro

Treasurer: Jason Flahie

Secretary: Oliver Kliewe

Social Chair: Peter Ingato

Outreach Chair: Stephanie Locks

Faculty Advisor: Professor Wolfgang Sachse

Contribute to the MechE Experience (ASME)

Contribute to the MechE Undergrad Experience! We need students to help organize events, like the bi-annual Ice Cream Social, Lunch with ASME (students giving research presentations to your classmates) and Games Night, and to help create new events.

Join the ASME Executive Board–we’re looking for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Here’s your invitation to join the ASME Exec Board  from Jeffry Lew ’14, who is once again serving as the President of the Cornell Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers:

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a non-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society.  ASME’s mission is to serve diverse global communities by advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life, and communicating the excitement of engineering.

The Cornell University chapter ( is recruiting dedicated leaders who wish to enhance the MechE experience and serve the local community.  If you are interested in becoming an executive board member, please visit our website [] or Facebook page [] in the fall for our application.  We look forward to meeting you!


Also, if you like to write, you are encouraged to contribute to Mechanicus, the ASME/ MechE newsletter.  Here’s an example from last Spring 2012:

April Issue Final




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Using all the tags and categories!