Day 23 : Visit of Louise Roberts

Today is a special day, and not only because of the opening of Vertimus : Louise Roberts came to visit me in Cornell

Louise Roberts is a Postdoc student, see is working in Geneva on the Sounds of Soil – tracking soil health for targeted pest control project. Greatr exchanges around bioacoustic tools, and how to best record the sounds of invertabrates living in soil…

“My interests span bioacoustics, biotremology and behavioural & sensory ecology. I have particular interests in the impacts of anthropogenic noise (both as substrate-borne vibrations or acoustic waves), passive acoustic/vibrational monitoring and the detection abilities of animals. Much of my work to date has been based in the marine environment with fish and benthic invertebrates, but more recently I have been working with terrestrial arthropods. Techniques: various methods of reproducing anthropogenic sources in the field; vibrational and chemical manipulations; large-scale underwater and sediment playbacks; baited underwater camera systems and sonar for animal observation; shaker systems for fine-scale vibrational manipulations in the laboratory; passive acoustic monitoring.”

And my outdoor installation became mute because of the snow, the wind and the cold….listeners will have to wait till thursday for better weather conditions….