Study explores promise of urban ag

;promise of urban ag book cover

The Promise of Urban Agriculture: National Study of Commercial Farming in Urban Areas

This 216-page report by CEA Viability in Metro Areas team member Anu Rangarajan and Molly Riordan provides details on a study to investigate the commercial promise of urban-based agriculture and uncover those specific urban farm characteristics that seem to be linked most closely to long-term survivability and growth.

The study posits that urban farms have the potential to be commercially viable and economically self-sufficient, while offering a multitude of quality of life benefits for community residents, which may include:

  • economic security and sustainability
  • empowerment of small business owners and entrepreneurs
  • access to employment opportunities, job training, and skill development
  • expanded access to nutritious food
  • community beautification and safety
  • greater opportunities for interpersonal connection.

Free download available from the Cornell Small Farms website.