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Cornell University

Theodoros T. Koutserimpas

Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow, Bodossaki Foundation Scholar, School of ECE, Cornell University


I received the diploma degree from the National Technical University of Athens (Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο), in Athens Greece advised by Prof. Glytsis and the PhD degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL), in Lausanne Switzerland advised by Prof. Fleury.

I am a Swiss-National-Science-Foundation (SNSF) Fellow and a Bodossaki Foundation Scholar. I am the recipient of the Postdoc Mobility Fellowship by SNSF and the “Stamatis G. Mantzavinos” Scholarship by Bodossaki Foundation. I held a postdoctoral position for a year at Princeton University and I am currently embedded at Prof. Monticone’s team at Cornell University.

My scientific interests are broad and include (but are not limited to) electrodynamics, optics, computational electromagnetics, acoustics, applied quantum mechanics and developing novel numerical and analytical methods to model wave phenomena and systems.

Feel free to browse my academic website.



  • 12/02/2024: The paper “Electromagnetic wave propagation in time-periodic chiral media” is published in Optical Materials Express.
  • 10/01/2024: The paper “Enhanced scattering from an almost-periodic optical temporal slab” has been published as a Letter in Physical Review A.
  • 04/09/2024: The paper “Time-varying media, dispersion, and the principle of causality” reviews dispersion models and establishes Kramers-Kronig relations as manifested by causality for linear and nonlinear time-varying media. It’s published in Optical Materials Express.
  • 02/22/2024: The paper “Temporal analog of Bragg gratings” has been among the top downloaded papers of Optics Letters, (link on X).
  • 10/01/2023: I am the recipient of the “Stamatis G. Mantzavinos” Scholarship by Bodossaki Foundation. I am greatly honored to be inducted into the Bodossaki Foundation Scholars. Cornell ECE press.
  • 08/18/2023: The research paper (collaboration with Prof. McCall and PhD candidate Koufidis from Imperial College London) “Temporal analog of Bragg gratings” has been published in Optics Letters.
  • 06/27/2023: The research paper “Multiharmonic Resonances of Coupled Time-Modulated Resistive Metasurfaces” has been published in Physical Review Applied.
  • 01/27/2023: The research paper (collaboration with Prof. Valagiannopoulos from the National Technical University of Athens) “Electromagnetic fields between moving mirrors: singular waveforms inside Doppler cavities” has been published in Optics Express. The paper also contains FDTD videos as supplementary materials, depicting the generation of ultrashort pulses as predicted by the analysis for periodically moving mirrors: video_1, video_2.
  • 10/22/2022: I attended the Simons Collaboration on Extreme Wave Phenomena Based on Symmetries Annual Meeting on October 20-21 2022 in NYC.
  • 10/01/2022: I started my appointment at Cornell ECE. Excited for the new research endeavors and opportunities!
  • 09/23/2022: I visited the Innovation Campus and the Virginia Tech Research Center, at Arlington, Virginia and gave an invited lecture on the connection between parity-time symmetry and time-variant wave media on 09/22/2022.