Welcome to the Tako Trace Minerals and Nutrition Lab website!
In general, we conduct multidisciplinary research that links between the research fields of Food Science and Nutrition. We aim to better understand how diet and physiological status are affecting intestinal functionality, morphology, microbiome and overall health.
Our Trace Minerals and Nutrition lab is interested in a variety of research topics that link between various aspects of (a) dietary trace mineral deficiencies, cause and effects, with emphases on the physiological status (novel biomarkers) and nutritional factors and practices that influence the intestinal absorption of micronutrients, specifically iron and zinc. (b) The characterization of the individual and interactive effects of dietary minerals, phytochemicals and prebiotics common to staple foods on the intestinal microbiome, BBM functionality (nutrigenomics) and morphology. (c) The evaluation of plant origin bioactive compounds extracted from food crops on mineral dietary bioavailability and absorption in vivo. In this context, we use approaches that utilize both cellular and animal (Gallus gallus) models.
Beyond research, our lab is interested in training future generations of scientists and educating the public about the value of scientific research and knowledge (both basic and applied research).
Our lab is part of the Department of Food Science, which is within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University.
Recent research team’s accomplishments include the development of the intra-amniotic administration procedure as an emerging in vivo approach to assess bio active compounds with potential nutritional benefits; Establishing recognized approaches for using the Gallus gallus model in research aimed to assess dietary mineral bioavailability and intestinal absorption; The development of a zinc status physiological blood biomarker and molecular tissue biomarkers aimed to assess the effects of dietary zinc deficiency on intestinal functionality and physiological status; The demonstration of the linkage between micronutrients dietary deficiencies (zinc and iron) and gut microbiota composition and function.