Weeks 1 & 2 – Blog

For these past two weeks, my work was mainly centered around exploring and summarizing sources. My mentor, Jen, gave me three initial sources to read, and from those three sources, I got a good grasp of how climate change is impacting emotional health in youth. Then, I decided to branch off my research according to many questions that arose in my mind. What exactly about climate change is distressing? How exactly is emotional health being impacted? Is climate change detrimental to any other dimensions of childrens’ health? Is climate anxiety equally prevalent throughout the globe? How are people of older generations responding to this issue? How satisfied are children with older generations’ responses and actions? I realized that from the one simple issue that this internship focuses on — climate anxiety — so many other facets are overlapping. After two weeks, I can say that I have developed a mature sense of the climate crisis going on right now, from the perspectives of all demographics. I look forward to continue brainstorming and asking myself questions related to my discoveries, and for Week 3, I will focus more on retrieving sources from the direct references and citations of the original University of Bath study.