Herd Management


  • Beginning Management for a Sheep Dairy 2 (PDF) by KenKleinpeter, Old Chatham Sheepherding Company – Gives a brief overview of basic management options and decisions new sheep dairy producers will have to consider in setting up their operations. What any individual producer will decide to do will depend on a large variety of factors, including financial resources, husbandry experience, existing facilities and lifestyle considerations, to name a few.
  • Collecting and Managing Data Effectively: A Case Study From The Comisana Breed 2 (PDF) by F. Pinelli, P.A. Oltenacu, A. Carlucci, G. Iannolino, M. Scimonelli, J.P. Pollack, J. Carvalheira, A. D’Amico, A. Calbi – Effective on-farm animal identification and production recording systems are critically important for farm management and for genetic improvement of an animal population. A genetic improvement program and good management are essential components of a viable dairy sheep industry…