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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – February 15, 2024

Development of Methods for Improving Flowering and Seed Set of Diverse Germplasm in Cassava Breeding.

Hyde, P. T., Esan, O., Diebiru-Ojo, E. M., Iluebbey, P., Kulakow, P. A., Peteti, P., and Setter, T. L. 2024.  Plants 13:382.

A graph-based pan-genome of Brassica oleracea provides new insights into its domestication and morphotype diversification.

Guo, N., Wang, S., Wang, T., Duan, M., Zong, M., Miao, L., Han, S., Wang, G., Liu, X., Zhang, D., Jiao, C., Xu, H., Chen, L., Fei, Z., Li, J., and Liu, F. 2024. Plant Communications 5:100791.

 U.S. cereal rye winter cover crop growth database.

Huddell, A. M., Thapa, R., Marcillo, G. S., Abendroth, L. J., Ackroyd, V. J., Armstrong, S. D., Asmita, G., Bagavathiannan, M. V., Balkcom, K. S., Basche, A., Beam, S., Bradley, K., Canisares, L. P., Darby, H., Davis, A. S., Devkota, P., Dick, W. A., Evans, J. A., Everman, W. J., de Almeida, T. F., Flessner, M. L., Fultz, L. M., Gailans, S., Hashemi, M., Haymaker, J., Helmers, M. J., Jordan, N., Kaspar, T. C., Ketterings, Q. M., Kladivko, E., Kravchenko, A., Law, E. P., Lazaro, L., Leon, R. G., Liebert, J., Lindquist, J., Loria, K., McVane, J. M., Miller, J. O., Mulvaney, M. J., Nkongolo, N. V., Norsworthy, J. K., Parajuli, B., Pelzer, C., Peterson, C., Poffenbarger, H., Poudel, P., Reiter, M. S., Ruark, M., Ryan, M. R., Samuelson, S., Sawyer, J. E., Seehaver, S., Shergill, L. S., Upadhyaya, Y. R., VanGessel, M., Waggoner, A. L., Wallace, J. M., Wells, S., White, C., Wolters, B., Woodley, A., Ye, R., Youngerman, E., Needelman, B. A., and Mirsky, S. B. 2024.Scientific Data 11:200.

Shall we talk? New details in crosstalk between copper and iron homeostasis uncovered in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Chia, J.-C., and Vatamaniuk, O. K. New Phytologist n/a.

Pluripotency of a founding field: rebranding developmental biology.

Rogers, C. D., Amemiya, C., Arur, S., Babonis, L., Barresi, M., Bartlett, M., Behringer, R., Benham-Pyle, B., Bergmann, D., Blackman, B., Brown, C. T., Browne, B., Camacho, J., Chabu, C. Y., Chow, I., Cleaver, O., Cool, J., Dennis, M. Y., Dickinson, A. J., Di Talia, S., Frank, M., Gillmor, S., Haag, E. S., Hariharan, I., Harland, R., Husbands, A., Jerome-Majewska, L., Koenig, K., Labonne, C., Layden, M., Lowe, C., Mani, M., Martik, M., McKown, K., Moens, C., Mosimann, C., Onyenedum, J., Reed, R., Rivera, A., Rokhsar, D., Royer, L., Rutaganira, F., Shahan, R., Sinha, N., Swalla, B., Van Norman, J. M., Wagner, D. E., Wikramanayake, A., Zebell, S., and Brady, S. M. 2024. Development 151.

Tumble windmill grass (Chloris verticillata Nutt.) control with POST herbicides.

Dhanda, S., Kumar, V., Sharma, A., and Liu, R. 2023. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 9:e20238.

Efficacy and economics of light-activated sensor-controlled sprayer for site-specific weed control.

Sharma, P., Kumar, V., and Jha, P. 2023. Agronomy Journal 115:2590-2599.

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