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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – August 26, 2021

Linking ecomechanical models and functional traits to understand phenotypic diversity.

Higham, T. E., Ferry, L. A., Schmitz, L., Irschick, D. J., Starko, S., Anderson, P. S. L., Bergmann, P. J., Jamniczky, H. A., Monteiro, L. R., Navon, D., Messier, J., Carrington, E., Farina, S. C., Feilich, K. L., Hernandez, L. P., Johnson, M. A., Kawano, S. M., Law, C. J., Longo, S. J., Martin, C. H., Martone, P. T., Rico-Guevara, A., Santana, S. E., and Niklas, K. J. 2021.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36:860-873.

Conserved noncoding sequences provide insights into regulatory sequence and loss of gene expression in maize.

Song, B., Buckler, E. S., Wang, H., Wu, Y., Rees, E., Kellogg, E. A., Gates, D. J., Khaipho-Burch, M., Bradbury, P. J., Ross-Ibarra, J., Hufford, M. B., and Romay, M. C. 2021.  Genome Research.

Environmental responsiveness of flowering time in cassava genotypes and associated transcriptome changes.

Oluwasanya, D. N., Gisel, A., Stavolone, L., and Setter, T. L. 2021.  PLOS ONE 16:e0253555.

The Arabidopsis PeptideAtlas: Harnessing worldwide proteomics data to create a comprehensive community proteomics resource.

van Wijk, K. J., Leppert, T., Sun, Q., Boguraev, S. S., Sun, Z., Mendoza, L., and Deutsch, E. W. 2021. The Plant Cell.

Data-driven decentralized breeding increases prediction accuracy in a challenging crop production environment.

de Sousa, K., van Etten, J., Poland, J., Fadda, C., Jannink, J.-L., Kidane, Y. G., Lakew, B. F., Mengistu, D. K., Pè, M. E., Solberg, S. Ø., and Dell’Acqua, M. 2021.  Communications Biology 4:944.

Developing Functional Genomics Platforms for Fungi.

Huberman, L. B. 2021.  mSystems 0:e00730-00721.

A pilot study on the potential for formalized nature-based instruction to mitigate stress and increase social bonds in university students.

Kiers, A. H., Rakow, D. A., Parker, S., and Dewa, C. S. 2021. Journal of American College Health:1-8.

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