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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

SIPS staff hybrid work schedules – Fall 2021

Through the month of August SIPS administrative staff are transitioning back to hybrid or all on-campus work. Schedules for individual staff reflect Cornell priorities for student facing positions, SIPS priorities for positions with high frequency drop-in interactions, and personal preference.

Hybrid work is a significant change compared to pre-COVID work modes both in SIPS and across campus. As we try this out we want to make every effort to ensure that schedules are clearly communicated and staff members are connecting effectively with co-workers and stakeholders. SIPS leadership also wants to be aware of any challenges as they arise so that potential issues can be addressed. To help facilitate this, staff schedules and a portal for stakeholder feedback are being widely communicated in the Monday SIPS-wide news, on the SIPS website, and via links in admin manager email signatures.

We also encourage you to submit a Kudos when you want to recognize a staff or anyone else in the SIPS community for their leadership, creativity, skill-building, or team spirit.

Admin and technical staff associated with specific programs should consult with their supervisor about preferred work modes. Consistent with Cornell policy, Zoom options must always be available for business-related meetings.

SIPS Administrative Manager Team
Magdalen Lindeberg, Tami Payne, Leslie Larsen, Tracy Chapman

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