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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

April 2021 update for SIPS Director Chris Smart

Dear SIPS community,

I hope you are all doing well this spring. I am enjoying the sunshine and increased hours of daylight.


SIPS Diversity & Inclusion:

SIPS Annual Report to CALS: Each April I submit an annual report to the Dean, working with Section Chairs and member of the Executive Committee to answer five specific questions. Each Department or School is allowed five pages for responses. The nature of the questions this year was such that five pages was simply not enough. Magdalen was kind enough to create an Annual Report page on the SIPS website. At the link you’ll see our answers to the five questions followed by appendices containing the unabbreviated responses. I suggest you check out the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion appendix, it is inspiring.

SIPS-Wide meetings with the Director – save the date

  • Faculty, Tuesday, May 25, 11:00 – Noon
  • Postdocs, Friday, June 11,  Noon – 1:00 PM
  • Graduate students: TBD
  • Staff: TBD

Course Roster updates for the 2021-2022 academic year

  • Leah has completed the course roster for the Fall 2021 semester. Check your course listings here,, for accuracy and let Leah ( know ASAP about any questions or concerns.
  • Room assignments will be made in mid-June.
  • Course co-meets for courses that include both undergraduate and graduate students should be sent to Karin Jantz ( Karin will continue to collect syllabi and course information for Fall 2021 and also for Spring 2022 courses. If you are not certain if you need a co-meet for your course, check with your section chair, DGS, or with me.


Plant Science building renovation is moving forward at an exciting pace. I, or your section chair, will be reaching out to many of you to keep you updated on what is happening. Over the next two-three months Magdalen and I will be attending many renovation meetings and will be asking some of you to attend and provide input as well. More information in your inbox soon.

Congratulations to the following people who were recognized with a SIPS Kudos in the last month! Thanks for your effort and passion in support of SIPS.

  • Building Mastery and Skill: Daniel Heck
  • Creativity and Ideas: Michael Monroe, Tami Payne, Tara Reed
  • Going Above and Beyond: Amy Fox, Barbara Sledzonia, Craig Cramer, Dan Holcomb, Donna Loeb, Jonathan Chai, Katherine Rogers, Michele Blackmore, Sandra Harrington, Steve Reiners, Tami Payne
  • Inspirational Leadership: Gillian Turgeon, Hale Tufan, Margaret Frank, Tami Payne
  • Strong Team Spirit: Adrienne Roeder, Leah Cook, Mary Ann Karp, Tara Reed

PLEASE remember to recognize people in our SIPS community that have gone out of their way to enhance our School. All you have to do is complete the brief form here

Take care,



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