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Recent publications from the SIPS community – June 10, 2021

Draft Genome Sequence Resource of the Citrus Stem-End Rot Fungal Pathogen Lasiodiplodia theobromae CITRA15.

Zheng, Q., Ozbudak, E., Liu, G., Hosmani, P. S., Saha, S., Flores-Gonzalez, M., Mueller, L. A., Rodrigues-Stuart, K., Dewdney, M. M., Lin, Y., Zhang, J., Tarazona, Y. C., Liu, B., Oliva, R., Ritenour, M. A., and Cano, L. M. 2021. Phytopathology 111:761-764.

The concept and future prospects of soil health.

Lehmann, J., Bossio, D. A., Kögel-Knabner, I., and Rillig, M. C. 2020. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 1:544-553.

Genetic variation in a radish (Raphanus sativus L.) geodiversity collection.

Arro, J., and Labate, J. A. 2021. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.

Addressing Research Bottlenecks to Crop Productivity.

Reynolds, M., Atkin, O. K., Bennett, M., Cooper, M., Dodd, I. C., Foulkes, M. J., Frohberg, C., Hammer, G., Henderson, I. R., Huang, B., Korzun, V., McCouch, S. R., Messina, C. D., Pogson, B. J., Slafer, G. A., Taylor, N. L., and Wittich, P. E. 2021.  Trends in Plant Science 26:607-630.

Simultaneous Direct Depth Estimation and Synthesis Stereo for Single Image Plant Root Reconstruction

Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Parikh, D., Khan, A., and Lu, G. 2021. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30:4883-4893.

The absence of the caffeine synthase gene is involved in the naturally decaffeinated status of Coffea humblotiana, a wild species from Comoro archipelago

Raharimalala, N., Rombauts, S., McCarthy, A., Garavito, A., Orozco-Arias, S., Bellanger, L., Morales-Correa, A. Y., Froger, S., Michaux, S., Berry, V., Metairon, S., Fournier, C., Lepelley, M., Mueller, L., Couturon, E., Hamon, P., Rakotomalala, J.-J., Descombes, P., Guyot, R., and Crouzillat, D. 2021. Scientific Reports 11:8119.

A General Model to Explain Repeated Turnovers of Sex Determination in the Salicaceae

Yang, W., Wang, D., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Tong, S., Li, M., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Ren, L., Ma, X., Zhou, R., Sanderson, B. J., Keefover-Ring, K., Yin, T., Smart, L. B., Liu, J., DiFazio, S. P., Olson, M., and Ma, T. 2020. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38:968-980.

Specific and conserved patterns of microbiota-structuring by maize benzoxazinoids in the field.

Cadot, S., Guan, H., Bigalke, M., Walser, J.-C., Jander, G., Erb, M., van der Heijden, M. G. A., and Schlaeppi, K. 2021. Microbiome 9:103.

Bacterial Endophytes of Spring Wheat Grains and the Potential to Acquire Fe, Cu, and Zn under Their Low Soil Bioavailability.

Makar, O., Kuźniar, A., Patsula, O., Kavulych, Y., Kozlovskyy, V., Wolińska, A., Skórzyńska-Polit, E., Vatamaniuk, O., Terek, O., and Romanyuk, N. 2021. Biology 10:409.

Synthetic promoter designs enabled by a comprehensive analysis of plant core promoters.

Jores, T., Tonnies, J., Wrightsman, T., Buckler, E. S., Cuperus, J. T., Fields, S., and Queitsch, C. 2021. Nature Plants.

Insights into How Spinosad Seed Treatment Protects Onion From Onion Maggot (Diptera: Anthomyiidae).

Moretti, E. A., Taylor, A. G., Wickings, K., and Nault, B. A. 2021.  Journal of Economic Entomology 114:694-701.

GFS9 affects piecemeal autophagy of plastids in young seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana

Ishida, H., Okashita, Y., Ishida, H., Hayashi, M., Izumi, M., Makino, A., Bhuiyan, N. H., and Van Wijk, K. J. 2021. Plant and Cell Physiology.

One CGIAR and the Integrated Agri-food Systems Initiative: From short-termism to transformation of the world’s food systems

Govaerts, B., Negra, C., Camacho Villa, T. C., Chavez Suarez, X., Espinosa, A. D., Fonteyne, S., Gardeazabal, A., Gonzalez, G., Gopal Singh, R., Kommerell, V., Kropff, W., Lopez Saavedra, V., Mena Lopez, G., Odjo, S., Palacios Rojas, N., Ramirez-Villegas, J., Van Loon, J., Vega, D., Verhulst, N., Woltering, L., Jahn, M., and Kropff, M. 2021. PLOS ONE 16:e0252832.

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