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Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – May 20, 2021

Classifying Cider Apple Germplasm Using Genetic Markers for Fruit Acidity.

Kumar, S. K., Wojtyna, N., Dougherty, L., Xu, K., and Peck, G. 2021.  Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.:1.

Effectiveness of genomic selection for improving provitamin A carotenoid content and associated traits in cassava.

Esuma, W., Ozimati, A., Kulakow, P., Gore, M. A., Wolfe, M. D., Nuwamanya, E., Egesi, C., and Kawuki, R. S. 2021. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics.

An excised leaf assay to measure acquisition of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” by psyllids associated with citrus Huanglongbing disease.

Igwe, D. O., Higgins, S. A., and Cilia, M. Phytopathology 0:null.

Paecilomyces niveus as a Wound-Infecting Pathogen of Citrus: Oranges and Clementines.

Wang, T. W., and Hodge, K. T. 2020. Plant Health Progress 21:333-334.

The White Panther – Rare exposure to Amanita multisquamosa causing clinically significant toxicity.

Vohra, V., Hull, I. V., and Hodge, K. T. 2021.  Clinical Toxicology:1-3.

A novel thylakoid-less isolate fills a billion-year gap in the evolution of Cyanobacteria.

Rahmatpour, N., Hauser, D. A., Nelson, J. M., Chen, P. Y., Villarreal A, J. C., Ho, M.-Y., and Li, F.-W.  Current Biology.

New South American record of the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary interval (La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina).

Clyde, W. C., Krause, J. M., De Benedetti, F., Ramezani, J., Cúneo, N. R., Gandolfo, M. A., Haber, P., Whelan, C., and Smith, T. 2021. Cretaceous Research:104889.

The Benefits and Limits of Urban Tree Planting for Environmental and Human Health.

Pataki, D. E., Alberti, M., Cadenasso, M. L., Felson, A. J., McDonnell, M. J., Pincetl, S., Pouyat, R. V., Setälä, H., and Whitlow, T. H. 2021. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.

AlgU, a Conserved Sigma Factor Regulating Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Promoting Virulence in Pseudomonas syringae.

Wang, H., Yang, Z., Swingle, B., and Kvitko, B. H. 2021. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 34:326-336.

Soil lead (Pb) and urban grown lettuce: Sources, processes, and implications for gardener best management practices

Egendorf, S. P., Spliethoff, H. M., Shayler, H. A., Russell-Anelli, J., Cheng, Z., Minsky, A. H., King, T., and McBride, M. B. 2021.  Journal of Environmental Management 286:112211.

Underground Heterosis for Melons Yield.

Dafna, A., Halperin, I., Oren, E., Isaacson, T., Tzuri, G., Meir, A., Schaffer, A. A., Burger, J., Tadmor, Y., Buckler, E. S., and Gur, A. 2021. Journal of experimental botany.

A RanBP2-type zinc finger protein functions in intron splicing in Arabidopsis mitochondria and is involved in the biogenesis of respiratory complex I.

Bentolila, S., Gipson, A. B., Kehl, A. J., Hamm, L. N., Hayes, Michael L., Mulligan, R. M., and Hanson, M. R. 2021. Nucleic Acids Research 49:3490-3506.

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