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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

SIPS-ABC Town Hall: Join us on October 21

During the last academic year members of SIPS have been meeting to discuss and plan how we, as a community, can increase diversity in our community (age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, country-of-origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, etc.) and nurture the feeling of welcome and acceptance by all among us. This group decided on the name “SIPS-ABC”, which stands for “SIPS-Achieving Belonging in Our Community”. This name means everyone is welcome in SIPS, no matter your majority or minority.

On Monday, October 21, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, in Emerson 135, SIPS-ABC will host a town hall for the entire SIPS community to publicize this mission of welcoming, encouragement, and support for all, and to obtain your input on how to “achieve belonging in our community.” The group will 1) present what has been accomplished during the first year of our existence, including six areas identified last year as needing focus or improvement, 2) seek input for new areas of focus, and 3) present the different ways and levels in which people can be involved in the group.

The meeting will last about an hour and include refreshments. Members of the SIPS administration and faculty from each section will be present to show their support for this work. While diversity has been important within SIPS since its origin in 2014, this new effort commits us all to acceptance and inclusion for everyone in our community. We hope that you will join us in this effort!

Best wishes,

Carlyn Buckler
Jeff Doyle
Eugene Law
Chelsea Specht
Cindy Twardokus
Matthew Willman

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