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Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – May 3, 2018

Identifying critical life stage transitions for biological control of long‐lived perennial Vincetoxicum species

Milbrath, L.R., Davis, A.S., Biazzo, J., and Cadotte, M. 2018. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1465-1475.

Seed-Dispersal Ability of the Invasive Perennial Vines Vincetoxicum nigrum and Vincetoxicum rossicum.

DiTommaso, A., Stokes, C.A., Cordeau, S., Milbrath, L.R., and Whitlow, T.H. 2018. Invasive Plant Science and Management 11:10-19.

 Managing for Multifunctionality in Perennial Grain Crops.

Ryan, M.R., Crews, T.E., Culman, S.W., DeHaan, L.R., Hayes, R.C., Jungers, J.M., and Bakker, M.G. 2018. BioScience 68:294-304.

Domesticated honeybees facilitate interspecific hybridization between two Taraxacum congeners

Peng, Y., Dong, Y., Xu, H., Xi, X., Niklas, K.J., Sun, S., and Rafferty, N. 2018. . Journal of Ecology 106:1204-1216.

 Admixture, evolution, and variation in reproductive isolation in the Boechera puberula clade.

Schilling, M.P., Gompert, Z., Li, F.-W., Windham, M.D., and Wolf, P.G. 2018. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:61.


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