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Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – March 1, 2018

Red algal Rubisco fails to accumulate in transplastomic tobacco expressing Griffithsia monilis RbcL and RbcS genes

Lin, M.T., and Hanson, M.R. 2018. Plant Direct 2:e00045-n/a.

Water deficit severity during berry development alters timing of dormancy transitions in wine grape cultivar Malbec

Shellie, K., Kovaleski, A.P., and Londo, J.P. 2018. Scientia Horticulturae 232:226-230.

Structure and Distribution of Centromeric Retrotransposons at Diploid and Allotetraploid Coffea Centromeric and Pericentromeric Regions

de Castro Nunes, R., Orozco-Arias, S., Crouzillat, D., Mueller, L.A., Strickler, S.R., Descombes, P., Fournier, C., Moine, D., de Kochko, A., Yuyama, P.M., Vanzela, A.L.L., and Guyot, R. 2018. Frontiers in Plant Science 9.

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