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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

New faculty tour the Geneva campus

-Magdalen Lindeberg

Recently hired SIPS faculty members Gaurav Moghe (Plant Biology Section), John Wallace (Horticulture Section), and Awais Khan (Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section) along with Patrick O’Grady, recent hire in the Department of Entomology, toured the Geneva campus on October 19.  The tour included a visit to the “blight farm” with Chris Smart and a tour and tasting of the USDA-ARS apple and grape germplasm collections, hosted by Jason Londo and Lance Cadle-Davidson. Other highlights included Thomas Björkman’s description of the eastern broccoli breeding program and Tom Burr’s outlining of current research on apple and grape pathology. The afternoon concluded with a station-wide reception.

New faculty Chelsea Specht (Plant Biology Section), Kelly Robbins (Plant Breeding and Genetics Section), and Ying Sun (Soil and Crop Sciences Section) will be visiting the Geneva campus on November 9.

Chris Smart describes the utility of the Blight Farm for conducting research on Phytophthera diseases


Awais Khan illustrates some of the genetic diversity in the apple germplasm collection
Thomas Björkman describes his efforts to breed broccoli suitable for growing conditions in the northeast


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