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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Faculty Hires and Search Updates

As described in the recent communication from Interim Director, Chris Smart, there are several important developments in SIPS concerning faculty hires and searches.

New faculty hires:

  • Ying Sun will join the Soil and Crop Science section in February 2017.  Her focus is on geospatial land processes, using remote sensing and advanced computational capabilities to create a more complete understanding of biophysical processes that affect soil and plant dynamics and interactions relevant to agriculture and other managed ecosystems.  She will be located in the 10th floor of Bradfield Hall.
  • Awais Khan will be joining Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology as early as mid-October 2016, studying disease resistance in rosaceous crops. He will be located in Barton Lab on the Geneva campus.

Five searches (4 faculty and 1 director) starting this fall:

Please share links to our new positions with anyone you think may be interested!


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